Kit Policy
Training Kit:
All players will receive a training T-shirt upon joining HC Knole Park.
For those in Year 8 and older, this should be used for training.
For those in Year 7 and below, this should be used for training and matches.
Additional Training T-shirts are available to purchase direct from the HC Knole Park Committee for £15.
Playing Kit:
All members are invited to purchase the following Adidas kit via Bat & Ball Sports
Required for all Year 8's and older (12+ years):
Home Shirt - Navy
Away Shirt - White
Shorts or Skort - Navy
Home Socks - Red
Away Socks - White
Club Hoody
Tracksuit Bottoms
Required for all Year 7's and younger (11years):
Navy Skort/Shorts - HC Knole Park or any alternative
Red Club Socks
The quality of the Adidas kit means that it is very wearable, high quality and looks incredible! We understand that it is an expensive outlay, but they will wear it a lot!
Leggings and bobble/ski hats must not be worn in any matches from U12 upwards. Goalkeepers can wear leggings at any age due to the nature of the position.
You can now order the kit online at Bat & Ball Sports.